About us

Since 2009, Engage Business Media (ebm.uk) has helped a global community of over 120,000 leaders in Customer Experience, Human Resources, Marketing, and Sales devise and implement winning strategies that appeal to the emotions, needs and desires of their consumers.

Evaluating the complete digital and physical Human Experience a customer has with a brand highlights what more can be done to turn weaknesses into strengths, make existing strengths even stronger and jump on business and engagement opportunities. Our hugely successful and industry leading face-to-face, virtual and hybrid live events include established conferences now running for more than a decade, spanning from one to four days each and attracting up to 2,000 senior industry professionals. We put customers and employees at the heart of everything we do as we continue to develop the industry-leading events and media that ensure we stay at the forefront of our markets.

our brands

We live and breathe our belief than organisations need to be where their customers are – that is what sits at the very heart of Human Experience. By adopting a more holistic view of customers, both internal and external, and delivering a consistent and appropriate service across all channels; offline, online, social and mobile, these customers become more than data or statistics, they become actual human beings driven by emotion. Emotion plays a key role in Human Experience and decision making and put simply, if your brand makes a person feel a strong, positive and above all, personal connection, they will want to engage.


“Our shared values are timeless. They describe the core principles of what we stand for, how we do things and distinguish our culture.”


If you want to enquire about any of our events or require further information please don’t hesitate to get in touch. We also welcome feedback, let us know if we have helped or alternatively we need to put something right!