Banner adverts can work very effectively when it comes to selling products online, but like every form of marketing, they must be done right. Offering effective advertising on the homepage of the website, banner adverts appear on a rotational basis. Sold per calendar month. Banner dimensions 1280 x 195 pixels with link.
A digital online platform where like-minded professionals come together, voice their thoughts and share experiences in a structured, professional virtual environment. These dynamic and highly engaging think tanks stimulate thought leadership discussions and provide valuable ‘take home’ implementable knowledge.
Hosting a virtual roundtable forges meaningful relationships, positions you as a market leader and provides powerful insights into the key issues within the enterprise. Engage Roundtables are 60-minute virtual sessions that take place using Zoom video conferencing.
Each session is attended by a minimum of 8 delegates, providing the perfect online platform to share knowledge, collaborate and build ‘real’ relationships. In addition to hosting the 60-minute session you will receive full contact details of those that attended, providing valuable post-event follow-up opportunities.
“Network virtually and build real relationships, connecting business leaders and solution providers with a private virtual event platform.”
- Full control over roundtable discussion topic
- EBM to source a minimum of 8 delegates
- Pre event calls made to ensure audience is appropriate
- Onboarding welcome calls made to ensure attendance
- Welcome pack sent to delegates as a soft introduction to one another
- 60-minute recorded virtual session
- Chaired and moderated by Sponsor
- Delegates contribute by raising their virtual hand to talk
- Opportunity to emphasise your market knowledge and expertise
- Quality lead generation and relationship building
- Full GDPR contact details of all registered delegates
All of these activities are supported by our dynamic portfolio of websites, each with their own targeted industry and audience. Our platforms are a leading source and authority in the customer experience, employee engagement and CX Sales & Marketing marketplaces. Boasting a UK, European and Global user base, the websites showcase breaking news, events, daily articles, webinars, podcasts, research, white papers, analysis, insights, video, interviews and respected thought-provoking content across our multiple platforms and social communities.

Banner Ads

Published weekly and delivered directly into the mailboxes of up to 120,000 senior industry professionals. This attractive and extensive audience makes for a responsive and highly targeted campaign to raise your profile and direct traffic to your website. Includes a banner advert, dimensions 1280 x 195 pixels with link.

Published Posts
Have you got a story to share? Our post-publishing opportunity enables you to publish a website article/press release and benefit from substantial daily traffic and exposure. Your story will be searchable on Google and promoted via social media. Available individually or in packs of five.

White papers are a great way to share valuable, thought-provoking content with large audiences, building great brand awareness and positioning you as a thought leader in your industry. Your white paper will be published on the homepage and included in the weekly newsletter for that week.
Digital Media
Sponsorship Opportunities
Engage Business Media’s portfolio of digital media is supported by dynamic news driven industry recognised websites,, and Including webinars, podcasts, industry research, surveys, online advertising, newsletter sponsorship, reaching over 700,000 professionals every month.
Providing an effective and cost effective way of generating high quality leads with demonstrable ROI whilst educating a senior audience of specialists relevant to your product/service.
An audio feast of thought provoking industry knowledge and insight. A great way to discuss the most recent news and hot topics, similar to talk radio shows, the new go-to distraction.
A digital online platform where like-minded professionals come together, voice their thoughts and share experiences in a structured professional virtual environment.
Individually designed surveys to meet your information needs. Using our market-leading first-party data you can survey our entire community, tailored to your specific requirements.